1) A three-tiered coal-eyed children’s creation.
3) A big way of giving during the holidays.
5) Santa’s form of transportation.
7) An iconic Christmas color.
8) A decoration for a Christmas tree.
10) Rhymes with jolly.
14) A sweet peppermint treat to put you in the holiday spirit.
16) The night before.
17) “I can hear the…”
19) Made with lots of eggs and cream.
22) A thing children ask for.
24) ____ to joy.
26) A living snowman.
27) The greek god of Eros.
28) Give loads of holiday _____ to family and friends.
2) An adjective to describe fire.
3) His heart is three sizes too small.
4) Key decorated element in a house.
5) He sees you when you’re sleeping!
6) Days of celebration.
9) What goes on a Menorah.
11) A historic German tradition involving a log.
12) One a day.
13) H2O in one of the three states of matter.
15) If you’re this, Krampus will eat you.
17) A shoe worn, popularly in winter.
18) A shining emblem of the holidays.
20) Another word for Christmas.
21) Popular spice used in folk medicine.
23) An amazing feeling.
25) A famous holiday movie.