X-ray’s letters to our graduated senior editors
Editor-in-Chief and senior Joseph Beeson poses at the Washington Monument last fall during the national journalism convention in D.C.
July 20, 2020
Letter To Joseph Beeson, EIC:
Dear Joseph,
On behalf of all of us at The X-ray, we would like to thank you for all the dedication you have shown to the publication over the past 4 years. You have risen admirably through the ranks to become an Editor-In-Chief, gaining knowledge along the way that you have passed on to us. This, in turn, has made us become more adept writers and stronger thinkers. For that we are most grateful.
Your presence in B215 always offered a sense of calm, even amidst the chaos of Production Week. We aren’t sure whether it was your soft voice or your strange sounding music–or maybe a combination of the two–but being around you made it feel like everything was going to be alright, even if it seemed our stories would never get finished.
This quality was especially evident during your tenure as Entertainment Editor. Your never ending debates with Mr. Stewart about the merits of a certain director’s style engrossed us all, and provided just enough distraction to get the thought of a blank page off the mind. But these discussions also provided us with something else: a glimpse into the passion you have for topics you write about.
Never have we seen someone so in love with all things related to cinema and television. Your knowledge for these subjects consistently amazed us, and yet it is clear that we only got the tip of the iceberg. We hope that you will continue to learn and write about these loves long into the future.
As you head north to Milwakuee for college, we will keep the image of you close in our minds. We relish the time we have gotten to spend with you, as well as the insights you have shared with us. You can be sure that the name “Joseph Beeson” will forever be etched into the annals of X-ray history.
Your friends at The X-ray